Online terminology can get incredibly confusing. For example, you probably know the difference between a mobile application and a website, but what is a web application?
Clearly, it lies somewhere in between the two. And yet, even knowing that may not get you the information needed to help your business. If you are wondering why it matters whether you are and should be building a website or web application, this post is for you.
Main Difference
If you are thinking to create a product presentation of your organization or business then first you consider either you want to create a product application or product website or both. There is a massive difference between web application and website, so if you think that those are same then revise you’re this opinion. Here we will discuss web application and website one by one before drawing and understanding the difference between two.
Web Application
This two different things (web application, or website) is a program that works in a browser. It is created in different languages like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, which are supported by the browser. By using helpful and suitable programming language you can update your material without disturbing your website’s clients or users. All those things like Wikipedia, online banking service, Google account are the most popular example of the web application. It requires some integrated tools, software, and a compatible browser. Because of the availability of multiple open source free software like Drupal, Symfony or Django you can create any web application very easily in very short time.
In the internet website is a place, which actually contains multiple informative web pages include the different level of services from a single web address. It can be accessed through local area network or internet. All websites collectively make the World Wide Web (WWW). HTML and XHTML languages are required to write the web page documents. Most websites use the other websites elements as well. Some websites are free and some require subscription charges because they are created for business purposes. Facebook, YouTube, news site, Wikipedia are examples of free websites and gaming, magazine subscription and the stock market sites are examples of paid websites. In 1990, British physicist Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web, which was declared free on 30 April 1993.
Key Differences
- The web application is the part of the website. It is itself not a complete website. When you can see on your browser, that time only shown with a complete web product.
- Web application functions and tasks are much higher and complex than the website. The website just shows the collected data and information in an order on a page. Web application actually maintains the whole website.
- When web application works interactively, on that time website works as a source of information.
- The website works on a web browser while web application runs and used separately on the computer.
- Developing a website is more easy and low-cost project in compare to developing website application. Different platforms are required to develop web site application.
A website is easily ascertainable through any operating system and device. Just insert the URL and get the desired result.
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